Aggiornamenti urgenti per la didattica
Gli studenti dei vari corsi del secondo semestre sono invitati a consultare le pagine relative usando il menù Teaching.
About me
I am an associate professor in astrophysics at the Physics Department of the University of Milan, Italy.
My scientific interests are focused on two different areas, gravitational lensing and dark molecular clouds. My original PhD thesis on weak gravitational lensing can be viewed or downloaded here; similarly, my bachelor thesis ("Tesi di Laurea," in Italian) can be viewed or downloaded here. If you are really interested, you can find more about me in my curriculum vitae.
Under the Teaching pages students can find relevant information on the courses I teach this year.
Aside Astronomy, I love classical music and I play church organ. Additionally, since my family is based in Trentino, I enjoy hiking and skiing.